Rikki List

Rikki List is a visual artist from Vienna who currently resides in Redwood City California. Since graduating from University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Rikki has created hybrid characters part animal part human, working on sculptures and paintings. In 2018 Rikki started THE MANIMAL PROJECT. The Manimal creatures embody animal idioms and animal phrases used to describe human behavior. The sculptures pop up as urban art installations, provoking in the viewer a combination of attraction and revulsion; similar to the relationship between humans and animals. THE MANIMAL PROJECT is a response to humans distancing themselves from nature; reconsidering humans as animals, as part of nature.


i am manimal

The mural installation "i am manimal" displays 7 outlines of people. The artist interviewed them before painting a collage of things which were important to them and which they identified with at that time. Every person chose at least one animal, some as a symbol (for example a lion for strength), others wanted their pet painted on it and some identified with a certain animal like a zodiac sign or spirit animal.