"Amongst The Stars"

I’m extremely pleased to be included in the Box Shop Mural Project. The collection of talented artists featured here is quite impressive and I’m happy to be surrounded by such artistic excellence. I hope that my piece will bring smiles and happiness to those who see it. Enjoy!

Ryan Montgomery

Geary and Hyde Designs

Ryan Montgomery is the founder and lead designer on all projects created by Geary and Hyde Design. We produce a large range of projects from large scale installations like the Dustfish stage, The Ice Pyrates "Ice Hull" and the Ghost Ship Portal to smaller signs and custom commissioned artwork. We apply a unique approach to create one-off custom designs for each and every client. Every project is given the greatest attention to detail and is looked upon as an exciting challenge.

Collaboration is the key to success at Geary and Hyde Design. The Bay Area has an abundance of talent and we're very fortunate to have some incredibly smart friends. By bringing together teams of collaborators in science, engineering, and art we are able to approach every opportunity from a wholistic perspective and tackle projects head-on.
